Our services
At RADIX, we not only maintain extensive levels of our ground screw and screw pile products for immediate delivery, but we also provide training, site specific axial and tensile load testing, planning, and installation services that enable us to deliver a truly all-in-one foundation solution. Get in touch and let us support you.
A full turnkey service for the foundations of your next project
In addition to selling ground screws, screw piles, racking for ground-mounted solar panels, installation machines, and testing equipment, we provide professional installations, site surveys, load testing, and design and project planning.
At RADIX, we work with private clients, businesses, local counsels, developers, and investors to realise the incredible potential of our effective, low-carbon screw foundations for projects across multiple sectors and for infinite applications.
Whether you are looking for a trusted supplier or an installation partner, or you just want the foundations for your new wooden deck or solar array, our expert teams are ready to work with you to take your project from conception to completion, delivered in a trusted partnership that will achieve an efficient and low-carbon solution for your project.
We can take care of everything you need, from the design and layout of your project to adding base frames on your newly installed ground screws or screw piles. Please contact us with any questions you have.