RADIX V4 89mm Sustainable Screw Piles for one of Australia’s largest Battery Energy Storage System projects (BESS)
Consultancy, design, supply and delivery of screw pile foundations, steel sub-frames and equipment to facilitate the installation of deep pile foundations, supporting Battery Containers, PCS Units, MV Skids and Control Rooms
NuEnergy Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
760MW (3096MW hrs) Supernode Battery Storage
Renewable Energy
- Consultancy, Site Testing, Foundation Design
- Supply of V4 89mm Screw Piles, Installation Equipment & Training
- Phase 1 – 1934 no. V4 89mm Screw Piles (October 2024)
- Phase 2 – 3080 no. V4 89mm Screw Piles (January 2025)
- Phase 3 – coming soon
- Screw Piling Rigs

Providing a responsive and expert service to provide an efficient and sustainable screw pile foundation solution for challenging ground conditions
RADIX was approached by NuEnergy Infrastructure Pty Ltd in April 2024 for expert advice and to explore a fast and efficient foundation solution for Supernode. After careful review of the site geotechnical reports and project design brief RADIX mobilised and attended site in Brisbane to complete static load testing.
Full design was thereafter progressed, signed off and manufacture of goods expedited to achieve delivery of Phase 1 products to meet key project milestones by October 2024

A complete turnkey foundation package to support our client and meet project demands
Consultancy & Design
Review site geotechnical investigation report and complete preliminary screw pile analysis, modelling and design for consulting engineers’ review.
- Provide consultancy pertaining to coordination and sequencing of works.
- Complete full design package consisting of:
- Pile load calculations
- Detailed screw pile design
- Steel framework design
- Connection design
- Typical GA drawings for individual battery units, MV Skids, PCS Units and Control Rooms.
- Provide material specification and budgets relating to scope of screw piling and structural steelwork materials.

Site Survey & Testing
- Transport of materials and equipment to complete static load testing of screw piles on site.
- Attendance overseeing site specific static load bearing testing executed in accordance with engineers detailed requirements.
- Completion of detailed test reports to allow final design and sign off.
Screw Pile Foundations & Installation Equipment
- The manufacture and supply of RDX V4 89mm EXT Screw Piles including bespoke structural bracketry and subframe steelwork.
- To supply 2 no. tracked screw pile rigs, test equipment and ancillaries.
- To coordinate shipping of goods and equipment to Brisbane port.
Training & Installation
- On site attendance and provide instruction on RADIX screw pile installation, test protocols and documentation.
- Training on tracked screw pile rig operation.
- Installation is supported by our very good friends and experienced partners FTA (Foundation Technologies Australia)