Ground Screw Foundations for 300kW Ground Mount Solar Arrays
A complete foundation solution including site survey and testing plus the supply & installation of RADIX Ground Screw foundations to secure our clients 300kW Ground Mount solar project.
Forster Group
St Andrews, Scotland
300kW Ground Mount Solar
Renewable Energy
Site Survey & Testing
Supply & Installation of 76mm Ground Screw Foundations
312 no. RDX PRO Ground Screws
Bespoke Connection Brackets

A fast and effective ground screw foundation system to secure ground mount solar arrays.
Overcoming soft ground conditions with low shear strength.
The area of land where the ground-mounted solar farm was positioned is subject to water logging and the ground was particularly soft with low bearing capacity in areas.
RADIX was contracted to complete pre-project testing and reporting to allow verification and final specification of a ground screw foundation solution before being asked to progress with full supply and installation of ground screw foundations that the client could fix their ground mount solar racking system to securely.

Secure and sustainable foundations for ground-mount solar panels
Site Survey and Testing
RADIX completed a site survey including testing the tensile capacity of ground screw foundations at various locations across the proposed site. Testing confirmed the final specification of screw piles needed to support the ground mount solar racking structure to withstand the wind forces and ensure longevity of the system.
Ground Screw Foundations
RADIX supplied and installed 312 RADIX PRO Ground Screws with our portable handheld ground screw turning machines to avoid excessive noise and with minimum disruption to the surrounding residents enjoying their holiday in the neighbouring caravans, providing a secure foundation for our client to anchor their SolarMount racking system to.